How It Works
Cat Toilet Training in 4 easy steps !

Step 1 First choose the bathroom where you will be toilet training your cat. You start by using Kitty's Loo® without the litter bowl and place it on the floor over a small rectangular litter box to acclimate your cat to this "new type" of litter box. This allows the cat access to the litter through the hole of the seat and gets him used to standing on the platform of the seat. **If you have a kitten at least of 8 weeks old or older set Kitty's Loo on the small litter box with the training bowl in place until they are big enough to use the seat without the training bowl. Once your cat uses Kitty's Loo® seat for a few days, you then add the litter bowl using a pellet type of cat litter. We recommend you using Fresh News or Yesterday's News. Transition slowly. Clean the bowl with every use and add fresh litter with every cleaning.

Step 2 After about a week move Kitty's Loo® onto the toilet seat. Remove the litter box from the room. Place at least an inch or more of the pellet (or flushable) cat litter in the litter bowl. Clean the bowl after every use and start to taper the amount of litter gradually. Do not rush this process. This is about a 2 - 3 week process. **Remember every cat is different. Knowing your cat is key at this stage.

Step 3 Once your cat is using Kitty's Loo® without any litter in the bowl, you will leave the litter bowl empty for a few days, cleaning it after every use. Remember to keep the toilet bowl clean as well. I recommend cleaning it once a day.

Step 4 At this stage your cat should be comfortable and you can remove the litter bowl. Your cat is now using Kitty's Loo® litter free! It is just that simple! You have a potty trained cat! NO MORE LITTER!! It truly is the BEST and EASIEST cat toilet training system!